About IVO

Passionate about delivering better business performance


A team focused on business efficiency - for greater customer satisfaction, and better bottom line results.

When it comes to delivering results in large projects most organisations struggle. At IVO we believe it doesn’t have to be this way. Not when the company engages the best specialist technology implementation partner to introduce the optimum technological solution into their business.

From a company perspective this delivers significant improvements in business processes - allowing a greater ability to forecast, plan and schedule – less downtime for employees, more on-time delivery, and less capital spent managing the entire process. 

When delivering operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, two factors combine the company enjoys an increase in both customer loyalty and profitability.

The bottom line? Better business performance brought to you by the Digital Transformation experts at IVO.


Specialist expertise

The experts for field service cloud implementation


Our reputation implementing field service
technology speaks for itself

Founded in 2006, IVO is currently recognised as the foremost Field Services technology expert in the Asia Pacific Region. Our reputation has been built on our specialist knowledge of Leading Field Service Cloud Technologies, Process Frameworks and Digital improvement strategies

IVO has implemented Field Service Technology for a number of major Australasian companies and then provided on-going support to ensure this technology is optimised and the people using it are fully trained.

Our industry knowledge is second to none in our region, so we are uniquely qualified to support the most efficient implementation of Field Service Cloud. If you need to increase the efficiency of your mobile workforce, IVO are quite simply the best people for the job.


Broad experience

An unparalleled depth of industry knowledge


The unique benefits of inside-out knowledge

In simple terms, the successful implementation of Field Service Cloud software involves two parties – a client who receives and then uses the technology, and an implementation partner to make it all happen.

IVO’s key competitive advantage comes from the experience the company has had being in both these positions. Acting on behalf of a client, we've gone through the entire process from the initial tender
through to implementation and ongoing support.

Seeing this process and its challenges through the client’s eyes has given us a unique understanding of the practicalities of implementation, as well as an empathy with the difficulties that will inevitable arise. Armed with this inside-out knowledge, IVO’s role as an implementation partner can make
a complicated process as seamless as possible.


Our clients

working with the businesses who set the standard


Some of the client's we work with:



Our partners

The best results come from the best partners


We prefer to work with the best
so we can bring you the best results


Oracle field service cloud

Is delivering efficient field service critical to your business? Are you constantly challenged to reduce costs while increasing efficiency? Do you need to meet service-level agreements (SLAs), service customers waiting at homes and businesses, or respond to machine-generated service alerts? Oracle Field Service Cloud (previously called ETA Direct) is built on time-based, self-learning, and predictive technology, empowering you to solve business problems while evolving your field service organization. This foundational technology empowers users with accuracy, context, and intelligence through seven powerful modules.